The United States Immigration and Citizenship Service (USCIS) is proposing that the citizenship test people take before becoming American citizens be made a bit easier. The agency said yesterday it wants to assess whether people who take the test have a "sufficient grasp" of U.S. history and government. Acting USCIS Director Ken Cuccinelli said in a statement that applicants "should not be limited" in their ability to demonstrate their knowledge and "talents" by a "largely arbitrary" test. However, the agency said the values, concepts and procedures of American democracy in the naturalisation test will remain unchanged.
The citizenship test currently has two parts. The first is a reading and writing test that asks people whether they can read a sentence aloud and write another one in English. The second deals with government and history. It has 100 questions, and test-takers are asked 10 in a naturalisation interview. They must get six out of 10 questions right to pass. The new proposal would give a wider choice of questions to test-takers, but they would still have to get six out of 10 to pass. Cuccinelli stated: "We're naturalising Americans, not creating robots."
The change in the test is part of an overall update of the naturalisation process that has been ongoing since late 2018. The proposal will be "published in the Federal Register for a 60-day public comment period," according to a USCIS statement. The current difficulty level of the citizenship test is rated at 12th-grade level, while the reading and writing section is generally considered easy. There has been criticism of the test for making it too difficult for people who are otherwise qualified to become citizens. Critics say it serves only to intimidate and confuse potential naturalised citizens.
The USCIS has proposed several changes to immigration policies in recent months. It wants to further restrict the definition of "public charge", which would make it harder for legal immigrants who use certain public benefits to obtain citizenship. USCIS has also suggested changing H-1B visa rules to restrict the eligibility of international students who conspire to circumvent a computerised lottery system. The USCIS has also proposed changing the waiting times for asylum-seekers to be eligible for work permits. The rule change would ban asylum seekers from working in the U.S until their application has been reviewed – something that can take months or years.